WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.667 (upbeat music) 00:38.280 --> 00:39.113 Hello, everybody. 00:39.113 --> 00:39.946 Jess Stainbrook here 00:39.946 --> 00:41.790 with the Invisible Disabilities Association 00:41.790 --> 00:45.090 with another podcast, "InVisible InCourage". 00:45.090 --> 00:49.170 And I've got DeAndre Carter from the Las Vegas Raiders 00:49.170 --> 00:51.990 and a visitor as well, Kristen, from... 00:51.990 --> 00:52.823 It's called, what? 00:52.823 --> 00:54.240 Beyond... Beyond Type 1. 00:54.240 --> 00:57.960 Beyond Type 1, where we're talking about diabetes. 00:57.960 --> 01:00.000 So DeAndre, give me a little bit of background, 01:00.000 --> 01:02.730 and maybe, how you got on the team, what it's like, 01:02.730 --> 01:03.810 a little bit of football stuff, 01:03.810 --> 01:05.340 since we're here at Super Bowl Media Week. 01:05.340 --> 01:06.173 Yeah, for sure. 01:06.173 --> 01:08.077 I'm going on year 10 in the league. 01:08.077 --> 01:10.050 Came out of Sacramento State. 01:10.050 --> 01:12.193 Got then drafted to Baltimore. 01:12.193 --> 01:13.860 It's been a journey ever since. 01:13.860 --> 01:14.850 I've been on a few teams, 01:14.850 --> 01:16.953 but excited to be here at Vegas now. 01:16.953 --> 01:18.740 Well, and as I understand it, 01:18.740 --> 01:20.900 you're dealing with type 1 diabetes, right? 01:20.900 --> 01:22.350 What's that like, man? 01:22.350 --> 01:23.640 How'd you find that out, 01:23.640 --> 01:25.350 and tell me about your experience with that? 01:25.350 --> 01:28.533 Yeah, so I was diagnosed type 1 when I was 14 years old. 01:29.760 --> 01:32.043 Wasn't feeling too well, 01:33.570 --> 01:36.570 was losing weight pretty fast and, 01:36.570 --> 01:39.090 like, peeing all the time, a lot of urination. 01:39.090 --> 01:41.617 Couldn't really quench my thirst, which is, like, the signs, 01:41.617 --> 01:45.160 you know, early signs of diabetes. 01:45.160 --> 01:47.070 Well, and we wanna talk about that, 01:47.070 --> 01:48.420 'cause some people don't know. 01:48.420 --> 01:49.650 Exactly, exactly. 01:49.650 --> 01:52.470 And that's kind of what our mission is here this week 01:52.470 --> 01:53.640 and with Beyond Type 1, 01:53.640 --> 01:56.370 is just to bring awareness and information 01:56.370 --> 01:58.956 to people about symptoms they may be experiencing, 01:58.956 --> 02:01.260 so we can catch it early enough. 02:01.260 --> 02:02.670 And also, if you already have it, 02:02.670 --> 02:03.503 or something like that, 02:03.503 --> 02:04.350 just different resources and things 02:04.350 --> 02:05.820 that you can reach out to, 02:05.820 --> 02:07.140 that you can use to, you know, 02:07.140 --> 02:09.164 help your diagnosis go a little bit better. 02:09.164 --> 02:10.770 You know, it's interesting too, 02:10.770 --> 02:14.175 because type 1 is the one that if you have it, you have it. 02:14.175 --> 02:17.610 Type 2, you can actually usually do something 02:17.610 --> 02:18.832 about changing with diet, right? 02:18.832 --> 02:21.653 Yeah, and I think that's kind of like a common, 02:21.653 --> 02:23.010 I don't wanna say misconception, 02:23.010 --> 02:24.657 but I think a lot of people know a lot 02:24.657 --> 02:26.211 about type 2 diabetes. 02:26.211 --> 02:28.380 I think that's somewhat the more common one. 02:28.380 --> 02:29.213 Like you said, 02:29.213 --> 02:32.490 you can kind of get rid of it with diet and exercising. 02:32.490 --> 02:35.661 I have type I, which is, there's no cure for it. 02:35.661 --> 02:37.042 I'm insulin-dependent. 02:37.042 --> 02:39.450 And so, Kristen, actually, 02:39.450 --> 02:42.553 can go into a lot more better detail about that than I can. 02:42.553 --> 02:43.386 (DeAndre giggling) 02:43.386 --> 02:44.219 Well, let's do that. 02:44.219 --> 02:45.909 Kristen, what do you got for us? 02:45.909 --> 02:46.742 Sure. 02:46.742 --> 02:48.700 So Beyond Type 1 is an organization. 02:48.700 --> 02:51.000 We're really working to make sure people have access 02:51.000 --> 02:52.770 to this information, the tools, 02:52.770 --> 02:54.600 resources they need to be able to thrive 02:54.600 --> 02:55.652 with type 1 diabetes. 02:55.652 --> 02:58.290 And so, this campaign we're doing 02:58.290 --> 03:00.270 in partnership with the NFL Alumni Association, 03:00.270 --> 03:01.550 it's called "Huddle for Diabetes", 03:01.550 --> 03:04.200 and it's all about just bringing awareness 03:04.200 --> 03:06.540 to these signs of diabetes. 03:06.540 --> 03:07.680 We know that 03:07.680 --> 03:12.680 about 300,000 people have lost their lives unnecessarily 03:12.810 --> 03:15.738 to not recognizing the signs of diabetes, 03:15.738 --> 03:17.610 and that's just not acceptable. 03:17.610 --> 03:19.140 We have so many people in this country 03:19.140 --> 03:20.040 who are walking around, 03:20.040 --> 03:22.509 living with type 2 diabetes and don't know, 03:22.509 --> 03:26.520 or they're at risk for type 1 diabetes and are unaware. 03:26.520 --> 03:29.190 And unfortunately, if people don't notice the signs, 03:29.190 --> 03:31.138 particularly in the case of type 1, 03:31.138 --> 03:34.500 you could end up in the emergency room 03:34.500 --> 03:37.770 and what we call DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis, 03:37.770 --> 03:39.090 and you could lose your life, I mean, 03:39.090 --> 03:42.300 very quickly to type 1, if you don't recognize this. 03:42.300 --> 03:45.150 The average onset age is 13. 03:45.150 --> 03:46.800 So these signs are easily missed. 03:46.800 --> 03:48.660 You know, you're a kid, like DeAndre was, 03:48.660 --> 03:50.490 you're playing football, you're playing basketball, 03:50.490 --> 03:51.390 you're losing weight. 03:51.390 --> 03:53.100 They don't think that's a big deal. 03:53.100 --> 03:54.120 You're thirsty all the time. 03:54.120 --> 03:55.470 They're just easily missed. 03:55.470 --> 04:00.470 And diagnoses in general are missed constantly for diabetes, 04:00.630 --> 04:02.010 for type 1 and for type 2. 04:02.010 --> 04:04.920 And so, we're really excited about this partnership. 04:04.920 --> 04:07.530 I'm so thrilled to have DeAndre as our ambassador, 04:07.530 --> 04:09.586 out spreading awareness around this. 04:09.586 --> 04:12.060 It is a truly lifesaving thing. 04:12.060 --> 04:14.730 So, everyone just needs to know it's really easy. 04:14.730 --> 04:15.563 He said it, right? 04:15.563 --> 04:19.080 That frequent urination, excessive thirst. 04:19.080 --> 04:20.340 Like, we've got all these images 04:20.340 --> 04:23.100 of people like pouring water, you know, down their throat. 04:23.100 --> 04:25.950 Like, you can't get enough water, right? 04:25.950 --> 04:26.850 Exhaustion. 04:26.850 --> 04:29.160 You're really tired all the time, right? 04:29.160 --> 04:30.552 That unexplained weight loss. 04:30.552 --> 04:33.240 So, all of those things, if people could just remember them, 04:33.240 --> 04:35.785 share them in your sphere of influence. 04:35.785 --> 04:39.210 Others can become ambassadors, just like DeAndre. 04:39.210 --> 04:41.820 So, if you're watching this, you can go to our website, 04:41.820 --> 04:43.050 beyondtype1.org. 04:43.050 --> 04:44.460 You can sign up to be an ambassador, 04:44.460 --> 04:46.320 and we'll send you posters you can distribute 04:46.320 --> 04:47.461 in your community, 04:47.461 --> 04:50.765 all kinds of resources to spread awareness of these signs. 04:50.765 --> 04:53.667 Well, and I do wanna say that, obviously, 04:53.667 --> 04:55.830 you're a professional athlete living 04:55.830 --> 04:58.890 at a high level, still playing a sport that you love. 04:58.890 --> 05:01.160 I think you need to encourage people 05:01.160 --> 05:03.150 that stuff goes for you. 05:03.150 --> 05:06.090 Yeah, and that's kind of been like my main mission, 05:06.090 --> 05:06.923 you know, this week, 05:06.923 --> 05:08.988 partnering up with NFL Alumni Health 05:08.988 --> 05:10.388 and Beyond Type 1, 05:10.388 --> 05:13.470 to just encourage kids and let kids know that, 05:13.470 --> 05:16.260 as long as you stay on top of it, manage it, right, 05:16.260 --> 05:18.990 follow the plan that your doctor lays out to you, 05:18.990 --> 05:20.160 there's nothing that you can't do. 05:20.160 --> 05:21.671 I'm going on year 10 in the NFL. 05:21.671 --> 05:23.980 And so, the sky's still the limit. 05:23.980 --> 05:28.230 It's nothing that will stop you from achieving your dreams. 05:28.230 --> 05:29.063 That's great, man. 05:29.063 --> 05:30.090 Well keep that going. Yes sir. 05:30.090 --> 05:32.430 How do they find out about your organization? 05:32.430 --> 05:35.441 Yeah, again, they can go to beyondtype1.org. 05:35.441 --> 05:39.060 Just a plethora of resources that you can find. 05:39.060 --> 05:41.010 Everything that DeAndre just said 05:41.010 --> 05:43.740 about being able to operate at the highest levels, 05:43.740 --> 05:45.660 that's what we're all about as an organization. 05:45.660 --> 05:47.430 Really trying to change the conversation 05:47.430 --> 05:49.470 and the dialogue and the perception of what it means 05:49.470 --> 05:50.850 to live with diabetes. 05:50.850 --> 05:53.280 And again, DeAndre's such a good example. 05:53.280 --> 05:54.898 When you have the right information, 05:54.898 --> 05:57.567 the right access to resources and tools, 05:57.567 --> 06:00.090 you can really thrive, and you know, 06:00.090 --> 06:02.753 still be able to accomplish your dreams with this diagnosis. 06:02.753 --> 06:06.168 And so, we wanna see people living beyond diagnosis 06:06.168 --> 06:08.850 with type 1, and it starts with seeing the signs. 06:08.850 --> 06:11.010 And then, you know, if you are diagnosed, 06:11.010 --> 06:13.140 check out our website, get those information, 06:13.140 --> 06:15.892 the resources so you can manage it and thrive like DeAndre. 06:15.892 --> 06:16.725 Well, there we are, 06:16.725 --> 06:20.430 Jess Stainbrook with "InVisible InCourage" podcast 06:20.430 --> 06:22.080 and go ahead and check out the screen. 06:22.080 --> 06:24.720 You'll find where to go for Beyond Type 1 06:24.720 --> 06:25.890 to deal with diabetes. 06:25.890 --> 06:28.093 Certainly, fits within the realm 06:28.093 --> 06:30.112 of us talking about people living 06:30.112 --> 06:32.130 with invisible disabilities. 06:32.130 --> 06:33.450 So, thanks for being with us. 06:33.450 --> 06:34.961 We'll see you on the next show. 06:34.961 --> 06:37.628 (upbeat music)